pub unsafe extern "C" fn rmt_tx_wait_all_done(
tx_channel: *mut rmt_drv_channel_t,
timeout_ms: i32,
) -> i32
Expand description
@brief Wait for all pending TX transactions done
@note This function will block forever if the pending transaction can’t be finished within a limited time (e.g. an infinite loop transaction).
See also rmt_disable()
for how to terminate a working channel.
@param[in] tx_channel RMT TX channel that created by rmt_new_tx_channel()
@param[in] timeout_ms Wait timeout, in ms. Specially, -1 means to wait forever.
- ESP_OK: Flush transactions successfully
- ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Flush transactions failed because of invalid argument
- ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: Flush transactions failed because of timeout
- ESP_FAIL: Flush transactions failed because of other error