Function esp_idf_svc::sys::rmt_receive

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rmt_receive(
    rx_channel: *mut rmt_drv_channel_t,
    buffer: *mut c_void,
    buffer_size: usize,
    config: *const rmt_receive_config_t,
) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Initiate a receive job for RMT RX channel

@note This function is non-blocking, it initiates a new receive job and then returns. User should check the received data from the on_recv_done callback that registered by rmt_rx_register_event_callbacks(). @note This function can also be called in ISR context. @note If you want this function to work even when the flash cache is disabled, please enable the CONFIG_RMT_RECV_FUNC_IN_IRAM option.

@param[in] rx_channel RMT RX channel that created by rmt_new_rx_channel() @param[in] buffer The buffer to store the received RMT symbols @param[in] buffer_size size of the buffer, in bytes @param[in] config Receive specific configurations @return - ESP_OK: Initiate receive job successfully - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Initiate receive job failed because of invalid argument - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Initiate receive job failed because channel is not enabled - ESP_FAIL: Initiate receive job failed because of other error