pub unsafe extern "C" fn otPlatCryptoEcdsaVerify(
aPublicKey: *const otPlatCryptoEcdsaPublicKey,
aHash: *const otPlatCryptoSha256Hash,
aSignature: *const otPlatCryptoEcdsaSignature,
) -> u32
Expand description
Use the key from the input context to verify the ECDSA signature of a hashed message.
@param[in] aPublicKey A pointer to an ECDSA public key structure where the public key for signature verification is stored. @param[in] aHash A pointer to a SHA-256 hash structure where the hash value for signature verification is stored. @param[in] aSignature A pointer to an ECDSA signature structure where the signature value to be verified is stored.
@retval OT_ERROR_NONE The signature was verified successfully. @retval OT_ERROR_SECURITY The signature is invalid. @retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS The key or hash is invalid. @retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS Failed to allocate buffer for signature verification.