
Function esp_wifi_wps_start

pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_wifi_wps_start(timeout_ms: i32) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Start WPS session.

@attention WPS can only be used when station is enabled. WPS needs to be enabled first for using this API.

@param timeout_ms : deprecated: This argument’s value will have not effect in functionality of API. The argument will be removed in future. The app should start WPS and register for WIFI events to get the status. WPS status is updated through WPS events. See wifi_event_t enum for more info.

@return - ESP_OK : succeed - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on - ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_SM : wps state machine is not initialized - ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails