Function esp_idf_svc::sys::gptimer_register_event_callbacks

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn gptimer_register_event_callbacks(
    timer: *mut gptimer_t,
    cbs: *const gptimer_event_callbacks_t,
    user_data: *mut c_void,
) -> i32
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@brief Set callbacks for GPTimer

@note User registered callbacks are expected to be runnable within ISR context @note The first call to this function needs to be before the call to gptimer_enable @note User can deregister a previously registered callback by calling this function and setting the callback member in the cbs structure to NULL.

@param[in] timer Timer handle created by gptimer_new_timer @param[in] cbs Group of callback functions @param[in] user_data User data, which will be passed to callback functions directly @return - ESP_OK: Set event callbacks successfully - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Set event callbacks failed because of invalid argument - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Set event callbacks failed because the timer is not in init state - ESP_FAIL: Set event callbacks failed because of other error