pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_ble_gatts_add_char(
service_handle: u16,
char_uuid: *mut esp_bt_uuid_t,
perm: u16,
property: u8,
char_val: *mut esp_attr_value_t,
control: *mut esp_attr_control_t,
) -> i32
Expand description
@brief This function is called to add a characteristic into a service.
@param[in] service_handle: service handle to which this included service is to be added. @param[in] char_uuid : Characteristic UUID. @param[in] perm : Characteristic value declaration attribute permission. @param[in] property : Characteristic Properties @param[in] char_val : Characteristic value @param[in] control : attribute response control byte
@return - ESP_OK : success - other : failed