pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_efuse_write_field_bit(
field: *mut *const esp_efuse_desc_t,
) -> i32
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@brief Write a single bit eFuse field to 1
For use with eFuse fields that are a single bit. This function will write the bit to value 1 if it is not already set, or does nothing if the bit is already set.
This is equivalent to calling esp_efuse_write_field_cnt() with the cnt parameter equal to 1, except that it will return ESP_OK if the field is already set to 1.
@param[in] field Pointer to the structure describing the efuse field.
- ESP_OK: The operation was successfully completed, or the bit was already set to value 1.
- ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Error in the passed arugments, including if the efuse field is not 1 bit wide.