
Function mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_cache

pub unsafe extern "C" fn mbedtls_ssl_conf_session_cache(
    conf: *mut mbedtls_ssl_config,
    p_cache: *mut c_void,
    f_get_cache: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *const u8, _: usize, _: *mut mbedtls_ssl_session) -> i32>,
    f_set_cache: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut c_void, _: *const u8, _: usize, _: *const mbedtls_ssl_session) -> i32>,
Expand description

\brief Set the session cache callbacks (server-side only) If not set, no session resuming is done (except if session tickets are enabled too).

            The session cache has the responsibility to check for stale
            entries based on timeout. See RFC 5246 for recommendations.

            Warning: session.peer_cert is cleared by the SSL/TLS layer on
            connection shutdown, so do not cache the pointer! Either set
            it to NULL or make a full copy of the certificate.

            The get callback is called once during the initial handshake
            to enable session resuming. The get function has the
            following parameters: (void *parameter, mbedtls_ssl_session *session)
            If a valid entry is found, it should fill the master of
            the session object with the cached values and return 0,
            return 1 otherwise. Optionally peer_cert can be set as well
            if it is properly present in cache entry.

            The set callback is called once during the initial handshake
            to enable session resuming after the entire handshake has
            been finished. The set function has the following parameters:
            (void *parameter, const mbedtls_ssl_session *session). The function
            should create a cache entry for future retrieval based on
            the data in the session structure and should keep in mind
            that the mbedtls_ssl_session object presented (and all its referenced
            data) is cleared by the SSL/TLS layer when the connection is
            terminated. It is recommended to add metadata to determine if
            an entry is still valid in the future. Return 0 if
            successfully cached, return 1 otherwise.

\param conf SSL configuration \param p_cache parameter (context) for both callbacks \param f_get_cache session get callback \param f_set_cache session set callback