
Function nvs_flash_init

pub unsafe extern "C" fn nvs_flash_init() -> i32
Expand description

@brief Initialize the default NVS partition.

This API initialises the default NVS partition. The default NVS partition is the one that is labeled “nvs” in the partition table.

When “NVS_ENCRYPTION” is enabled in the menuconfig, this API enables the NVS encryption for the default NVS partition as follows 1. Read security configurations from the first NVS key partition listed in the partition table. (NVS key partition is any “data” type partition which has the subtype value set to “nvs_keys”) 2. If the NVS key partiton obtained in the previous step is empty, generate and store new keys in that NVS key partiton. 3. Internally call “nvs_flash_secure_init()” with the security configurations obtained/generated in the previous steps.

Post initialization NVS read/write APIs remain the same irrespective of NVS encryption.

@return - ESP_OK if storage was successfully initialized. - ESP_ERR_NVS_NO_FREE_PAGES if the NVS storage contains no empty pages (which may happen if NVS partition was truncated) - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND if no partition with label “nvs” is found in the partition table - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM in case memory could not be allocated for the internal structures - one of the error codes from the underlying flash storage driver - error codes from nvs_flash_read_security_cfg API (when “NVS_ENCRYPTION” is enabled). - error codes from nvs_flash_generate_keys API (when “NVS_ENCRYPTION” is enabled). - error codes from nvs_flash_secure_init_partition API (when “NVS_ENCRYPTION” is enabled) .