pub unsafe extern "C" fn otPlatRadioConfigureEnhAckProbing(
aInstance: *mut otInstance,
aLinkMetrics: otLinkMetrics,
aShortAddress: u16,
aExtAddress: *const otExtAddress,
) -> u32
Expand description
Enable/disable or update Enhanced-ACK Based Probing in radio for a specific Initiator.
After Enhanced-ACK Based Probing is configured by a specific Probing Initiator, the Enhanced-ACK sent to that node should include Vendor-Specific IE containing Link Metrics data. This method informs the radio to start/stop to collect Link Metrics data and include Vendor-Specific IE that containing the data in Enhanced-ACK sent to that Probing Initiator.
@param[in] aInstance The OpenThread instance structure.
@param[in] aLinkMetrics This parameter specifies what metrics to query. Per spec, at most 2 metrics
can be specified. The probing would be disabled if @p aLinkMetrics
is bitwise 0.
@param[in] aShortAddress The short address of the Probing Initiator.
@param[in] aExtAddress The extended source address of the Probing Initiator. @p aExtAddr MUST NOT be NULL
@retval OT_ERROR_NONE Successfully configured the Enhanced-ACK Based Probing.
@retval OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS @p aExtAddress is NULL
@retval OT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND The Initiator indicated by @p aShortAddress is not found when trying to clear.
@retval OT_ERROR_NO_BUFS No more Initiator can be supported.
@retval OT_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED The feature is not implemented.