
Function i2c_slave_receive

pub unsafe extern "C" fn i2c_slave_receive(
    i2c_slave: *mut i2c_slave_dev_t,
    data: *mut u8,
    buffer_size: usize,
) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Read bytes from I2C internal buffer. Start a job to receive I2C data.

@note This function is non-blocking, it initiates a new receive job and then returns. User should check the received data from the on_recv_done callback that registered by i2c_slave_register_event_callbacks().

@param[in] i2c_slave I2C slave device handle that created by i2c_new_slave_device. @param[out] data Buffer to store data from I2C fifo. Should be valid until on_recv_done is triggered. @param[in] buffer_size Buffer size of data that provided by users. @return - ESP_OK: I2C slave receive success. - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: I2C slave receive parameter invalid. - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: This function should be work in fifo mode, but I2C_SLAVE_NONFIFO mode is configured