Function esp_idf_svc::sys::usb_serial_jtag_write_bytes

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn usb_serial_jtag_write_bytes(
    src: *const c_void,
    size: usize,
    ticks_to_wait: u32,
) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Send data to the USB-UART port from a given buffer and length,

Please ensure the tx_buffer_size is larger than 0, if the ‘tx_buffer_size’ > 0, this function will return after copying all the data to tx ring buffer, USB_SERIAL_JTAG ISR will then move data from the ring buffer to TX FIFO gradually.

@param src data buffer address @param size data length to send @param ticks_to_wait Maximum timeout in RTOS ticks

@return - The number of bytes pushed to the TX FIFO