
Function esp_ble_gattc_get_char_by_uuid

pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_ble_gattc_get_char_by_uuid(
    gattc_if: u8,
    conn_id: u16,
    start_handle: u16,
    end_handle: u16,
    char_uuid: esp_bt_uuid_t,
    result: *mut esp_gattc_char_elem_t,
    count: *mut u16,
) -> u32
Expand description

@brief Find the characteristic with the given characteristic uuid in the gattc cache Note: It just get characteristic from local cache, won’t get from remote devices.

@param[in] gattc_if: Gatt client access interface. @param[in] conn_id: connection ID which identify the server. @param[in] start_handle: the attribute start handle @param[in] end_handle: the attribute end handle @param[in] char_uuid: the characteristic uuid @param[out] result: The pointer to the characteristic in the service. @param[inout] count: input the number of characteristic want to find, it will output the number of characteristic has been found in the gattc cache with the given service.

@return - ESP_OK: success - other: failed