Function esp_idf_svc::hal::sys::xRingbufferGetStaticBuffer

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn xRingbufferGetStaticBuffer(
    xRingbuffer: *mut c_void,
    ppucRingbufferStorage: *mut *mut u8,
    ppxStaticRingbuffer: *mut *mut xSTATIC_RINGBUFFER,
) -> i32
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@brief Retrieve the pointers to a statically created ring buffer

@param[in] xRingbuffer Ring buffer @param[out] ppucRingbufferStorage Used to return a pointer to the queue’s storage area buffer @param[out] ppxStaticRingbuffer Used to return a pointer to the queue’s data structure buffer @return pdTRUE if buffers were retrieved, pdFALSE otherwise.