@brief Opaque directory structure
A wrapped
to check if an error occurred.
Type by which event groups are referenced. For example, a call to
xEventGroupCreate() returns an EventGroupHandle_t variable that can then
be used as a parameter to other event group functions.
@brief Type defined for MD5 context
Type by which queues are referenced. For example, a call to xQueueCreate()
returns an QueueHandle_t variable that can then be used as a parameter to
xQueueSend(), xQueueReceive(), etc.
Type by which stream buffers are referenced. For example, a call to
xStreamBufferCreate() returns an StreamBufferHandle_t variable that can
then be used as a parameter to xStreamBufferSend(), xStreamBufferReceive(),
@brief Task Snapshot iterator
@brief IP address
@brief ADC continuous mode driver configurations
@brief Group of ADC continuous mode callbacks
@brief Event data structure
@note The conv_frame_buffer
is maintained by the driver itself, so never free this piece of memory.
@brief ADC continuous mode driver initial configurations
@brief ADC digital controller settings
@brief ADC DMA driver configuration
@brief ADC digital controller (DMA mode) output data format.
Used to analyze the acquired ADC (DMA) data.
@brief ADC digital controller pattern configuration
@brief ADC channel configurations
@brief ADC oneshot driver initial configurations
LwIP bridge configuration
@brief Data structure for RGB888 pixel unit
@brief Directory entry structure
@brief Needed info to get GDMA alignment
@brief Structure storing characteristics of an ADC
\brief AES context structure
\brief The AES XTS context-type definition.
@brief Description about application.
@brief Bootloader description structure
@brief Console command description
@brief Parameters for console initialization
@brief Parameters for console device: UART
@brief Parameters for console REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)
@brief Console REPL base structure
@brief CPU interrupt descriptor
@brief DMA Mem info
@brief Configuration settings for EAP-FAST
(Extensible Authentication Protocol - Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling).
@brief Type definition for an eFuse field
@brief Configuration of Ethernet driver
@brief Ethernet MAC
@brief Ethernet mediator
@brief Data structure to Read/Write PHY register via ioctl API
@brief Ethernet PHY
@brief ETM channel configuration
Configuration for creating event loops
@brief OS-level integration hooks for accessing flash chips inside a running OS
@brief Structure for describing a region of flash
@brief Structure to describe a SPI flash chip connected to the system.
\brief The GCM context structure.
@brief HTTP configuration
@brief HTTP Client events data
@brief Argument structure for HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA event
@brief Argument structure for HTTP_EVENT_REDIRECT event
@brief ESP HTTPS OTA configuration
@brief Main header of binary image
@brief Header of binary image segment
@brief IPv4 address
@brief IPv6 address
@brief Configuration of LCD color conversion
@brief Configuration structure for panel device
@brief Type of LCD panel IO callbacks
@brief Type of LCD panel IO event data
@brief Panel IO configuration structure, for I2C interface
@brief Panel IO configuration structure, for SPI interface
@brief LCD panel IO interface
@brief SSD1306 configuration structure
@brief LCD panel interface
@brief Timing parameters for the video data transmission
@brief Mesh power save duties
MQTT client configuration structure
Broker related configuration
Broker address
Broker identity verification
Client buffer size configuration
Client related credentials for authentication.
Client authentication
Network related configuration
Client outbox configuration options.
MQTT Session related configuration
Last Will and Testament message configuration.
Client task configuration
@brief MQTT error code structure to be passed as a contextual information
into ERROR event
MQTT event configuration structure
@brief Generic esp_netif configuration
@brief DNS server info
@brief ESP-netif driver base handle
@brief Specific IO driver configuration
@brief ESP-netif inherent config parameters
@brief IPV6 IP address information
Event structure for IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP, IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP events
@brief Type of esp_netif_object server
@brief DHCP client’s addr info (pair of MAC and IP address)
@brief Configuration structure for PPP network interface
@brief ESPNOW peer information parameters.
@brief Number of ESPNOW peers which exist currently.
@brief ESPNOW rate config
@brief ESPNOW packet information
@brief partition information structure
@brief Type of “ping” callback functions
@brief Type of “ping” configuration
@brief Power management config
pthread configuration structure that influences pthread creation
@brief Pointers to the trusted key digests.
@brief SNTP configuration struct
@brief Task Watchdog Timer (TWDT) configuration structure
@brief Timer configuration passed to esp_timer_create()
@brief ESP-TLS configuration parameters
@brief ESP-TLS Server configuration parameters
@brief Error structure containing relevant errors in case tls error occurred
@brief Keep alive parameters structure
WS transport configuration structure
@brief Eventfd vfs initialization settings
@brief Configuration structure for esp_vfs_fat_register
@brief Configuration arguments for esp_vfs_fat_sdmmc_mount and esp_vfs_fat_spiflash_mount_rw_wl functions
@brief VFS semaphore type for select()
@brief Configuration structure for esp_vfs_spiffs_register
@brief VFS definition structure
@brief Structure representing configuration settings for WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).
@brief Configuration of Ethernet MAC object
@brief Ethernet PHY configuration
@brief Custom SPI Driver Configuration.
This structure declares configuration and callback functions to access Ethernet SPI module via
user’s custom SPI driver.
Structure of pointers to disk IO driver functions.
@brief Configuration parameters of GPIO pad for gpio_config function
@brief GPIO ETM event configuration
@brief GPIO ETM task configuration
@brief General Purpose Timer alarm configuration
@brief GPTimer alarm event data
@brief General Purpose Timer configuration
@brief GPTimer ETM event configuration
@brief GPTimer ETM task configuration
@brief Group of supported GPTimer callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@note When CONFIG_GPTIMER_ISR_IRAM_SAFE is enabled, the callback itself and functions called by it should be placed in IRAM.
@brief Members of clock division
@brief Clock information
@brief Fixed-point data configuration
@brief HTTP Server Configuration Structure
@brief HTTP Request Data Structure
@brief Structure for URI handler
@brief I2C initialization parameters
@brief I2C device configuration
@brief Data structure for calculating I2C bus timing.
@brief I2C master bus specific configurations
@brief Group of I2C master callbacks, can be used to get status during transaction or doing other small things. But take care potential concurrency issues.
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR context
@note When CONFIG_I2C_ISR_IRAM_SAFE is enabled, the callback itself and functions called by it should be placed in IRAM.
The variables used in the function should be in the SRAM as well.
@brief Data type used in I2C event callback
@brief I2C slave specific configurations
@brief Group of I2C slave callbacks (e.g. get i2c slave stretch cause). But take care of potential concurrency issues.
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR context
@note When CONFIG_I2C_ISR_IRAM_SAFE is enabled, the callback itself and functions called by it should be placed in IRAM.
The variables used in the function should be in the SRAM as well.
@brief Event structure used in I2C slave
@brief Stretch cause event structure used in I2C slave
@brief I2S controller channel configuration
@brief I2S channel information
@brief I2S driver configuration parameters
@brief Group of I2S callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@note When CONFIG_I2S_ISR_IRAM_SAFE is enabled, the callback itself and functions called by it should be placed in IRAM.
The variables used in the function should be in the SRAM as well.
@brief Event structure used in I2S event queue
@brief Event structure used in I2S event queue
@brief I2S PCM configuration
@brief I2S clock configuration for PDM TX mode
@brief I2S PDM TX mode major configuration that including clock/slot/GPIO configuration
@brief I2S PDM TX mode GPIO pins configuration
@brief I2S slot configuration for PDM TX mode
@brief I2S PDM up-sample rate configuration
@note TX PDM can only be set to the following two up-sampling rate configurations:
1: fp = 960, fs = sample_rate / 100, in this case, Fpdm = 12848000
2: fp = 960, fs = 480, in this case, Fpdm = 128Fpcm = 128sample_rate
If the pdm receiver do not care the pdm serial clock, it’s recommended set Fpdm = 12848000.
Otherwise, the second configuration should be applied.
@brief I2S GPIO pins configuration
@brief I2S clock configuration for standard mode
@brief I2S standard mode major configuration that including clock/slot/GPIO configuration
@brief I2S standard mode GPIO pins configuration
@brief I2S slot configuration for standard mode
@brief I2S clock configuration for TDM mode
@brief I2S TDM mode major configuration that including clock/slot/GPIO configuration
@brief I2S TDM mode GPIO pins configuration
@brief I2S slot configuration for TDM mode
This is the aligned version of ip4_addr_t,
used as local variable, on the stack, etc.
This is the aligned version of ip6_addr_t,
used as local variable, on the stack, etc.
@ingroup ipaddr
A union struct for both IP version’s addresses.
ATTENTION: watch out for its size when adding IPv6 address scope!
Event structure for ADD_IP6 event
Event structure for IP_EVENT_AP_STAIPASSIGNED event
Event structure for IP_EVENT_GOT_IP6 event
@brief Event structure for IP_EVENT_GOT_IP event
Global variables of this module, kept in a struct for efficient access using base+index.
@brief LEDC callback parameter
@brief Group of supported LEDC callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@brief Configuration parameters of LEDC channel for ledc_channel_config function
@brief Configuration parameters of LEDC timer for ledc_timer_config function
Container for ASN1 bit strings.
Type-length-value structure that allows for ASN1 using DER.
Container for a sequence or list of ‘named’ ASN.1 data items
Container for a sequence of ASN.1 items
\brief The CCM context-type definition. The CCM context is passed
to the APIs called.
Generic cipher context.
Cipher information. Allows calling cipher functions
in a generic way.
The CMAC context structure.
\brief The CTR_DRBG context structure.
\warning Performing multiple operations concurrently on the same
ECDSA context is not supported; objects of this type
should not be shared between multiple threads.
\brief The ECDH context structure.
The context used by the default ECDH implementation.
EC J-PAKE context structure.
Curve information, for use by other modules.
\brief The ECP group structure.
\brief The ECP key-pair structure.
\brief The ECP point structure, in Jacobian coordinates.
\brief Entropy context structure
\brief Entropy source state
The generic message-digest context.
\brief MPI structure
\brief Public key container
\brief Item to send to the debug module
\brief Options for RSASSA-PSS signature verification.
See \c mbedtls_rsa_rsassa_pss_verify_ext()
\brief Statistics about
resource consumption related to the PSA keystore.
\brief RIPEMD-160 context structure
\brief The RSA context structure.
\brief SHA-1 context structure
\brief The SHA-3 context structure.
\brief SHA-256 context structure
\brief The SHA-512 context structure.
\brief This structure is used for storing ciphersuite information
SSL/TLS configuration to be shared between mbedtls_ssl_context structures.
Certificate revocation list structure.
Every CRL may have multiple entries.
Certificate revocation list entry.
Contains the CA-specific serial numbers and revocation dates.
Container for an X.509 certificate. The certificate may be chained.
Security profile for certificate verification.
Verification chain as built by \c mbedtls_crt_verify_chain()
Item in a verification chain: cert and flags for it
From RFC 5280 section
OtherName ::= SEQUENCE {
value [0] EXPLICIT ANY DEFINED BY type-id }
From RFC 4108 section 5:
HardwareModuleName ::= SEQUENCE {
hwSerialNum OCTET STRING }
A structure for holding the parsed Subject Alternative Name,
according to type.
Container for date and time (precision in seconds).
Container for writing a certificate (CRT)
@brief MCPWM brake configuration structure
@brief MCPWM brake event data
@brief MCPWM capture channel configuration structure
Extra configuration flags for capture channel
@brief Group of supported MCPWM capture event callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@brief MCPWM capture event data
@brief MCPWM capture timer configuration structure
@brief MCPWM Capture timer sync phase configuration
@brief MCPWM carrier configuration structure
@brief MCPWM event comparator ETM event configuration
@brief MCPWM comparator configuration
@brief Group of supported MCPWM compare event callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@brief MCPWM compare event data
@brief MCPWM dead time configuration structure
@brief Group of supported MCPWM fault event callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@brief MCPWM fault event data
@brief Generator action on specific brake event
@brief Generator action on specific comparator event
@brief Generator action on specific fault event
@brief Generator action on specific sync event
@brief Generator action on specific timer event
@brief MCPWM generator configuration
@brief MCPWM GPIO fault configuration structure
@brief MCPWM GPIO sync source configuration
@brief MCPWM operator configuration
@brief Group of supported MCPWM operator event callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@brief MCPWM software fault configuration structure
@brief MCPWM software sync configuration structure
@brief MCPWM timer configuration
@brief Group of supported MCPWM timer event callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@brief MCPWM timer event data
@brief MCPWM Timer sync phase configuration
@brief MCPWM timer sync source configuration
Memory pool descriptor
@brief Mesh softAP configuration
@brief Mesh networking IE
@brief Mesh initialization configuration
@brief Mesh chain assoc
@brief Mesh chain layer
@brief The crypto callback function structure used in mesh vendor IE encryption. The
structure can be set as software crypto or the crypto optimized by device’s
@brief Mesh data for esp_mesh_send() and esp_mesh_recv()
@brief Channel switch information
@brief Parent connected information
@brief find a mesh network that this device can join
@brief Layer change information
@brief Network state information
@brief No parent found information
@brief PS duty information
@brief Other powerful root address
@brief Root fixed
@brief Root switch request information
@brief Routing table change
@brief Scan done event information
@brief vote started information
@brief Mesh option
@brief Router configuration
@brief Mesh RSSI threshold
@brief The number of packets available in the queue waiting to be received by applications
@brief Mesh switch parent
@brief The number of packets pending in the queue waiting to be sent by the mesh stack
@brief Vote
@brief Structure to access heap metadata via multi_heap_get_info
@brief This structure maps handler required by protocomm layer to
UUIDs which are used to uniquely identify BLE characteristics
from a smartphone or a similar client device.
Generic data structure used for all lwIP network interfaces.
The following fields should be filled in by the initialization
function for the device driver: hwaddr_len, hwaddr[], mtu, flags
Args to LWIP_NSC_IPV6_SET callback
Args to LWIP_NSC_LINK_CHANGED callback
@brief information about entry obtained from nvs_entry_info function
@brief Key for encryption and decryption
@brief NVS encryption: Security scheme configuration structure
@note Info about storage space NVS.
Main packet buffer struct
A custom pbuf: like a pbuf, but following a function pointer to free it.
Helper struct for const-correctness only.
The only meaning of this one is to provide a const payload pointer
for PBUF_ROM type.
@brief Config parameters for protocomm BLE service
@brief Structure for BLE events in Protocomm.
@brief Config parameters for protocomm HTTP server
@brief Config parameters for protocomm HTTP server
@brief Protocomm security object structure.
@brief Protocomm Security 1 parameters: Proof Of Possession
@brief Protocomm Security 2 parameters: Salt and Verifier
\brief The context for PSA interruptible hash signing.
\brief The context for PSA interruptible hash verification.
@brief ESP-TLS preshared key and hint structure
@brief Bytes encoder configuration
@brief RMT carrier wave configuration (for either modulation or demodulation)
@brief Data struct of RMT channel status
@brief Data struct of RMT configure parameters
@brief Copy encoder configuration
@brief Interface of RMT encoder
@brief Definition of RMT item
@brief RMT hardware memory layout
@brief RMT receive specific configuration
Receive specific flags
@brief RMT RX channel specific configuration
@brief Data struct of RMT RX configure parameters
@brief Type of RMT RX done event data
@brief Group of RMT RX callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@note When CONFIG_RMT_ISR_IRAM_SAFE is enabled, the callback itself and functions called by it should be placed in IRAM.
The variables used in the function should be in the SRAM as well.
@brief Simple callback encoder configuration
@brief Synchronous manager configuration
@brief RMT transmit specific configuration
@brief RMT TX channel specific configuration
@brief Data struct of RMT TX configure parameters
@brief Type of RMT TX done event data
@brief Structure encapsulating a RMT TX end callback
@brief Group of RMT TX callbacks
@note The callbacks are all running under ISR environment
@note When CONFIG_RMT_ISR_IRAM_SAFE is enabled, the callback itself and functions called by it should be placed in IRAM.
The variables used in the function should be in the SRAM as well.
SD/MMC card information structure
Decoded values from SD card Card IDentification register
SD/MMC command information
Decoded values from SD card Card Specific Data register
Decoded values of Extended Card Specific Data
SD/MMC Host description
Decoded values from SD Configuration Register
Note: When new member is added, update reserved bits accordingly
Decoded values from SD Status Register
Note: When new member is added, update reserved bits accordingly
SD SWITCH_FUNC response buffer
Extra configuration for SD SPI device.
@brief Sigma-delta configure struct
Argument structure for SC_EVENT_GOT_SSID_PSWD event
Configure structure for esp_smartconfig_start
@brief This is a configuration structure for a SPI bus.
@brief This is a configuration for a SPI slave device that is connected to one of the SPI buses.
Structure for flash encryption operations.
Host driver configuration and context structure.
SPI Flash Host driver instance
Configuration structure for the flash chip suspend feature.
Definition of a common transaction. Also holds the return value.
@brief Line mode of SPI transaction phases: CMD, ADDR, DOUT/DIN.
@brief This is a configuration for a SPI host acting as a slave device.
This structure describes one SPI transaction
This struct is for SPI transactions which may change their address and command length.
Please do set the flags in base to SPI_TRANS_VARIABLE_CMD_ADR
to use the bit length here.
This structure describes one SPI transaction. The descriptor should not be modified until the transaction finishes.
@brief Configuration of measurement range for the temperature sensor.
@brief Timer configurations
@brief Keep alive parameters structure
Type by which software timers are referenced. For example, a call to
xTimerCreate() returns an TimerHandle_t variable that can then be used to
reference the subject timer in calls to other software timer API functions
(for example, xTimerStart(), xTimerReset(), etc.).
Topic definition struct
Touch sensor filter configuration
Touch sensor denoise configuration
Touch sensor channel sleep configuration
Touch sensor waterproof configuration
Type by which tasks are referenced. For example, a call to xTaskCreate
returns (via a pointer parameter) an TaskHandle_t variable that can then
be used as a parameter to vTaskDelete to delete the task.
@brief Structure for acceptance filter configuration of the TWAI driver (see documentation)
@brief Structure for general configuration of the TWAI driver
@brief Structure to store a TWAI message
@brief Structure to store status information of TWAI driver
@brief Structure for bit timing configuration of the TWAI driver
@brief UART AT cmd char configuration parameters
Note that this function may different on different chip. Please refer to the TRM at confirguration.
@brief UART configuration parameters for uart_param_config function
@brief Event structure used in UART event queue
@brief UART interrupt configuration parameters for uart_intr_config function
@brief UART software flow control configuration parameters
@brief Configuration structure for the usb-serial-jtag-driver. Can be expanded in the future
@brief Vendor Information Element header
@brief Structure used to store block related data passed to
the walker callback function
@brief Structure used to store heap related data passed to
the walker callback function
@brief Action Frame Tx Request
@brief Range of active scan times per channel
@brief Wi-Fi antenna configuration
@brief Wi-Fi GPIOs configuration for antenna selection
@brief Wi-Fi GPIO configuration for antenna selection
@brief Soft-AP configuration settings for the device
@brief Description of a Wi-Fi AP
@brief WiFi beacon monitor parameter configuration
@brief Structure describing Wi-Fi country-based regional restrictions.
@brief CSI data type
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_ACTION_TX_STATUS event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_PROBEREQRECVED event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_STACONNECTED event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_STADISCONNECTED event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_WPS_RG_FAILED event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_WPS_RG_PIN event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_WPS_RG_SUCCESS event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_BSS_RSSI_LOW event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_FTM_REPORT event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_HOME_CHANNEL_CHANGE event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_NAN_RECEIVE event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_NAN_REPLIED event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_NAN_SVC_MATCH event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_NDP_CONFIRM event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_NDP_INDICATION event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_NDP_TERMINATED event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_NEIGHBOR_REP event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_ROC_DONE event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_AUTHMODE_CHANGE event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_SCAN_DONE event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_PIN event
@brief Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_SUCCESS event
@brief FTM Initiator configuration
@brief Structure representing a report entry for Fine Timing Measurement (FTM) in Wi-Fi.
@brief Description of a Wi-Fi AP HE Info
@brief Configuration for STA’s HT2040 coexist management
@brief WiFi stack configuration parameters passed to esp_wifi_init call.
@brief Configuration for WiFi ioctl
@brief NAN Discovery start configuration
@brief NAN Datapath End parameters
@brief NAN Datapath Request parameters
@brief NAN Datapath Response parameters
@brief NAN Follow-up parameters
@brief NAN Publish service configuration parameters
@brief NAN Subscribe service configuration parameters
@brief Received packet radio metadata header, this is the common header at the beginning of all promiscuous mode RX callback buffers
@brief Configuration structure for Protected Management Frame
@brief Mask for filtering different packet types in promiscuous mode
@brief Payload passed to ‘buf’ parameter of promiscuous mode RX callback.
@brief WiFi status data to be sent in response to get_status
request from master
@brief Internal handlers for receiving and responding to protocomm
requests from master
@brief WiFi config data received by slave during set_config
request from master
@brief Event handler that is used by the manager while
provisioning service is active
@brief Structure for specifying the manager configuration
@brief Structure for specifying the provisioning scheme to be
followed by the manager
@brief WiFi STA connected status information
@brief Channel bitmap for setting specific channels to be scanned
@brief Parameters for an SSID scan
@brief Parameters default scan configurations
@brief Structure describing parameters for a Wi-Fi fast scan
@brief Aggregate of active & passive scan time per channel
@brief STA configuration settings for the device
@brief Description of STA associated with AP
@brief List of stations associated with the Soft-AP
@brief The crypto callback function structure used by esp_wifi.
The structure can be set as software crypto or the crypto optimized by device’s
@brief Structure representing WPS factory information for ESP device.
@brief Struct that is equivalent in size to the ring buffer’s data structure
@brief Task Snapshot structure
Used with the uxTaskGetSystemState() function to return the state of each task
in the system.