Function esp_idf_hal::sys::xStreamBufferReset

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn xStreamBufferReset(
    xStreamBuffer: *mut StreamBufferDef_t,
) -> i32
Expand description

@cond !DOC_EXCLUDE_HEADER_SECTION stream_buffer.h

@code{c} BaseType_t xStreamBufferReset( StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBuffer ); @endcode @endcond

Resets a stream buffer to its initial, empty, state. Any data that was in the stream buffer is discarded. A stream buffer can only be reset if there are no tasks blocked waiting to either send to or receive from the stream buffer.

@param xStreamBuffer The handle of the stream buffer being reset.

@return If the stream buffer is reset then pdPASS is returned. If there was a task blocked waiting to send to or read from the stream buffer then the stream buffer is not reset and pdFAIL is returned.

@cond !DOC_SINGLE_GROUP \defgroup xStreamBufferReset xStreamBufferReset @endcond \ingroup StreamBufferManagement