Function esp_idf_hal::sys::esp_cpu_set_watchpoint

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_cpu_set_watchpoint(
    wp_num: i32,
    wp_addr: *const c_void,
    size: usize,
    trigger: u32,
) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Set and enable a hardware watchpoint on the current CPU

Set and enable a hardware watchpoint on the current CPU, specifying the memory range and trigger operation. Watchpoints will break/panic the CPU when the CPU accesses (according to the trigger type) on a certain memory range.

@note Overwrites previously set watchpoint with same watchpoint number. @param wp_num Hardware watchpoint number [0..SOC_CPU_WATCHPOINTS_NUM - 1] @param wp_addr Watchpoint’s base address @param size Size of the region to watch. Must be one of 2^n, with n in [0..6]. @param trigger Trigger type @return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG on invalid arg, ESP_OK otherwise