Type Alias esp_idf_hal::sys::netif_ext_callback_fn

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pub type netif_ext_callback_fn = Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut netif, _: u16, _: *const netif_ext_callback_args_t)>;
Expand description

@ingroup netif Function used for extended netif status callbacks Note: When parsing reason argument, keep in mind that more reasons may be added in the future! @param netif netif that is affected by change @param reason change reason @param args depends on reason, see reason description

Aliased Type§

enum netif_ext_callback_fn {
    Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut netif, _: u16, _: *const netif_ext_callback_args_t)),




No value.


Some(unsafe extern "C" fn(_: *mut netif, _: u16, _: *const netif_ext_callback_args_t))

Some value of type T.