use crate::stat;
use core::ffi;
static mut __LSTAT_INTERNAL_REFERENCE: *mut ffi::c_void = lstat as *mut _;
pub fn link_patches() -> *mut ffi::c_void {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn lstat(path: *const ffi::c_char, buf: *mut stat) -> ffi::c_int {
extern "C" {
// Declare it manually, because if certain ESP IDF components are not included (VFS?)
// as is the case for CMake based builds, the signature of the `stat` fn is actually
// not defined in the `esp-idf-sys` bindings
#[link_name = "stat"]
fn esp_idf_sys_stat(path: *const ffi::c_char, buf: *mut stat) -> ffi::c_int;
esp_idf_sys_stat(path, buf)