
Function mbedtls_aes_cmac_prf_128

pub unsafe extern "C" fn mbedtls_aes_cmac_prf_128(
    key: *const c_uchar,
    key_len: usize,
    input: *const c_uchar,
    in_len: usize,
    output: *mut c_uchar,
) -> c_int
Expand description

\brief This function implements the AES-CMAC-PRF-128 pseudorandom function, as defined in RFC-4615: The Advanced Encryption Standard-Cipher-based Message Authentication Code-Pseudo-Random Function-128 (AES-CMAC-PRF-128) Algorithm for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol (IKE).

\param key The key to use. \param key_len The key length in Bytes. \param input The buffer holding the input data. \param in_len The length of the input data in Bytes. \param output The buffer holding the generated 16 Bytes of pseudorandom output.

\return \c 0 on success.