
Function heap_caps_dump

pub unsafe extern "C" fn heap_caps_dump(caps: u32)
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@brief Dump the full structure of all heaps with matching capabilities.

Prints a large amount of output to serial (because of locking limitations, the output bypasses stdout/stderr). For each (variable sized) block in each matching heap, the following output is printed on a single line:

  • Block address (the data buffer returned by malloc is 4 bytes after this if heap debugging is set to Basic, or 8 bytes otherwise).
  • Data size (the data size may be larger than the size requested by malloc, either due to heap fragmentation or because of heap debugging level).
  • Address of next block in the heap.
  • If the block is free, the address of the next free block is also printed.

@param caps Bitwise OR of MALLOC_CAP_* flags indicating the type of memory