
Function esp_ota_get_boot_partition

pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_ota_get_boot_partition() -> *const esp_partition_t
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@brief Get partition info of currently configured boot app

If esp_ota_set_boot_partition() has been called, the partition which was set by that function will be returned.

If esp_ota_set_boot_partition() has not been called, the result is usually the same as esp_ota_get_running_partition(). The two results are not equal if the configured boot partition does not contain a valid app (meaning that the running partition will be an app that the bootloader chose via fallback).

If the OTA data partition is not present or not valid then the result is the first app partition found in the partition table. In priority order, this means: the factory app, the first OTA app slot, or the test app partition.

Note that there is no guarantee the returned partition is a valid app. Use esp_image_verify(ESP_IMAGE_VERIFY, …) to verify if the returned partition contains a bootable image.

@return Pointer to info for partition structure, or NULL if partition table is invalid or a flash read operation failed. Any returned pointer is valid for the lifetime of the application.