pub unsafe extern "C" fn i2s_set_pdm_tx_up_sample(
i2s_num: i2s_port_t,
upsample_cfg: *const i2s_pdm_tx_upsample_cfg_t,
) -> esp_err_t
Expand description
@brief Set TX PDM mode up-sample rate @note If you have set PDM mode while calling ‘i2s_driver_install’, default PDM TX upsample parameters have already been set, no need to call this function again if you don’t have to change the default configuration
@param i2s_num I2S port number @param upsample_cfg Set I2S PDM up-sample rate configuration
@return - ESP_OK Success - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM Out of memory