Function esp_idf_hal::sys::mbedtls_pk_import_into_psa

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn mbedtls_pk_import_into_psa(
    pk: *const mbedtls_pk_context,
    attributes: *const psa_key_attributes_s,
    key_id: *mut u32,
) -> i32
Expand description

\brief Import a key into the PSA key store.

This function is equivalent to calling psa_import_key() with the key material from \p pk.

The typical way to use this function is: -# Call mbedtls_pk_get_psa_attributes() to obtain attributes for the given key. -# If desired, modify the attributes, for example: - To create a persistent key, call psa_set_key_identifier() and optionally psa_set_key_lifetime(). - To import only the public part of a key pair:

- Restrict the key usage if desired.

-# Call mbedtls_pk_import_into_psa().

\note This function does not support RSA-alt contexts (set up with mbedtls_pk_setup_rsa_alt()).

\param[in] pk The PK context to use. It must have been set up. It can either contain a key pair or just a public key. \param[in] attributes The attributes to use for the new key. They must be compatible with \p pk. In particular, the key type must match the content of \p pk. If \p pk contains a key pair, the key type in attributes can be either the key pair type or the corresponding public key type (to import only the public part). \param[out] key_id On success, the identifier of the newly created key. On error, this is #MBEDTLS_SVC_KEY_ID_INIT.

\return 0 on success. #MBEDTLS_ERR_PK_TYPE_MISMATCH if \p pk does not contain a key of the type identified in \p attributes. Another error code on other failures.