pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_deep_sleep_try(time_in_us: u64) -> i32
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@brief Enter deep-sleep mode
The device will automatically wake up after the deep-sleep time Upon waking up, the device calls deep sleep wake stub, and then proceeds to load application.
Call to this function is equivalent to a call to esp_deep_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup followed by a call to esp_deep_sleep_start.
@note In general, the function does not return, but if the sleep is rejected, then it returns from it.
The reason for the rejection can be such as a short sleep time.
@param time_in_us deep-sleep time, unit: microsecond
- No return - If the sleep is not rejected.
- ESP_ERR_SLEEP_REJECT sleep request is rejected(wakeup source set before the sleep request)