pub unsafe extern "C" fn esp_ble_gatts_send_indicate(
gatts_if: u8,
conn_id: u16,
attr_handle: u16,
value_len: u16,
value: *mut u8,
need_confirm: bool,
) -> i32
Expand description
@brief Send indicate or notify to GATT client. Set param need_confirm as false will send notification, otherwise indication. Note: the size of indicate or notify data need less than MTU size,see “esp_ble_gattc_send_mtu_req”.
@param[in] gatts_if: GATT server access interface @param[in] conn_id - connection id to indicate. @param[in] attr_handle - attribute handle to indicate. @param[in] value_len - indicate value length. @param[in] value: value to indicate. @param[in] need_confirm - Whether a confirmation is required. false sends a GATT notification, true sends a GATT indication.
@return - ESP_OK : success - other : failed