pub unsafe extern "C" fn gpio_etm_event_bind_gpio(
event: *mut esp_etm_event_t,
gpio_num: i32,
) -> i32
Expand description
@brief Bind the GPIO with the ETM event
@note Calling this function multiple times with different GPIO number can override the previous setting immediately. @note Only GPIO ETM object can call this function
@param[in] event ETM event handle that created by gpio_new_etm_event
@param[in] gpio_num GPIO number that can trigger the ETM event
- ESP_OK: Set the GPIO for ETM event successfully
- ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Set the GPIO for ETM event failed because of invalid argument, e.g. GPIO is not input capable, ETM event is not of GPIO type
- ESP_FAIL: Set the GPIO for ETM event failed because of other reasons