
Function ledc_set_pin

pub unsafe extern "C" fn ledc_set_pin(
    gpio_num: i32,
    speed_mode: u32,
    ledc_channel: u32,
) -> i32
Expand description

@brief Set LEDC output gpio.

@note This function only routes the LEDC signal to GPIO through matrix, other LEDC resources initialization are not involved. Please use ledc_channel_config() instead to fully configure a LEDC channel.

@param gpio_num The LEDC output gpio @param speed_mode Select the LEDC channel group with specified speed mode. Note that not all targets support high speed mode. @param ledc_channel LEDC channel (0 - LEDC_CHANNEL_MAX-1), select from ledc_channel_t

@return - ESP_OK Success - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error