pub unsafe extern "C" fn gpio_new_etm_event(
config: *const gpio_etm_event_config_t,
ret_event: *mut esp_etm_event_handle_t,
) -> esp_err_t
Expand description
@brief Create an ETM event object for the GPIO peripheral
@note The created ETM event object can be deleted later by calling esp_etm_del_event
@note The newly created ETM event object is not bind to any GPIO, you need to call gpio_etm_event_bind_gpio
to bind the wanted GPIO
@note Every success call to this function will acquire a free GPIO ETM event channel
@param[in] config GPIO ETM event configuration
@param[out] ret_event Returned ETM event handle
@param[out] … Other returned ETM event handles if any (the order of the returned event handles is aligned with the array order in field edges
in gpio_etm_event_config_t
- ESP_OK: Create ETM event successfully
- ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Create ETM event failed because of invalid argument
- ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Create ETM event failed because of out of memory
- ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: Create ETM event failed because all events are used up and no more free one
- ESP_FAIL: Create ETM event failed because of other reasons