Function esp_idf_hal::sys::pxTaskGetNext

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn pxTaskGetNext(
    pxTask: *mut tskTaskControlBlock,
) -> *mut tskTaskControlBlock
Expand description

@brief Iterate over all tasks in the system

  • This function can be used to iterate over every task in the system
  • The first call to this function must set pxTask to NULL
  • When all functions have been iterated, this function will return NULL.
  • This function is only available when CONFIG_FREERTOS_ENABLE_TASK_SNAPSHOT is set to 1.

@note This function should only be called when FreeRTOS is no longer running (e.g., during a panic) as this function does not acquire any locks. @param pxTask Handle of the previous task (or NULL on the first call of this function) @return TaskHandle_t Handle of the next task (or NULL when all tasks have been iterated over)