
Follow the steps below for a default installation of the ESP32-C3 platform tooling.

🔎 Should you desire a customized installation (e.g. building parts from source, or adding support for Xtensa targets), instructions for doing so can be found in the Rust on ESP targets chapter of the Rust on ESP Book.

Rust Toolchain

✅ If you haven't got Rust on your computer, obtain it via

Furthermore, for ESP32-C3, a nightly version of the Rust toolchain is currently required, for this training we will use nightly-2024-06-30 version.

✅ Install nightly Rust and add support for the target architecture using the following command:

rustup toolchain install nightly-2024-06-30 --component rust-src

🔎 Rust is capable of cross-compiling to any supported target (see rustup target list). By default, only the native architecture of your system is installed. To build for the Xtensa architecture (not part of this material), a fork of the Rust compiler is required as of January 2022.

Espressif Toolchain

Several tools are required:

  • cargo-espflash - upload firmware to the microcontroller and open serial monitor with Cargo integration
  • espflash - upload firmware to the microcontroller and open serial monitor
  • ldproxy - Espressif build toolchain dependency

✅ Install them with the following command:

cargo install cargo-espflash espflash ldproxy

⚠️ The espflash and cargo-espflash commands listed in the book assume version is >= 2

Toolchain Dependencies


sudo apt install llvm-dev libclang-dev clang libudev-dev libuv1-dev pkgconf python3-venv python-is-python3


When using the Homebrew package manager, which we recommend:

brew install llvm libuv


  • Python 3 is a required dependency. It comes preinstalled on stock macOS and typically on desktop Linux distributions. An existing Python 2 installation with the virtualenv add-on pointing to it is known to potentially cause build problems.

  • Error failed to run custom build command for libudev-sys vX.X.X or esp-idf-sys vX.X.X:

    At time of writing, this can be solved by:

    1. Running this line:

    apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y vim nano git curl gcc ninja-build cmake libudev-dev python3 python3-pip libusb-1.0-0 libssl-dev \ pkg-config libtinfo5

    1. Restarting the terminal.

    2. If this isn't working, try cargo clean, remove the ~/.espressif folder (%USERPROFILE%\.espressif in Windows) and rebuild your project.

    3. On Ubuntu, you might need to change your kernel to 5.19. Run uname -r to obtain your kernel version.


An alternative environment, is to use Docker. The repository contains a Dockerfile with instructions to install the Rust toolchain, and all required packages. This virtualized environment is designed to compile the binaries for the Espressif target. Flashing binaries from containers isn't possible, hence there are two options:

  • Execute flashing commands, e.g., cargo-espflash, on the host system. If proceeding with this option, it's recommended to keep two terminals open:
    • In the container: compile the project
    • On the host: use the cargo-espflash sub-command to flash the program onto the embedded hardware
  • Use web-flash crate to flash the resulting binaries from the container. The container already includes web-flash. Here is how you would flash the build output of hardware-check project:
    web-flash --chip esp32c3 target/riscv32imc-esp-espidf/debug/hardware-check

✅ Install Docker for your operating system.

✅ Get the Docker image: There are 2 ways of getting the Docker image:

  • Build the Docker image from the Dockerfile:
    docker image build --tag rust-std-training --file .devcontainer/Dockerfile .
    Building the image takes a while depending on the OS & hardware (20-30 minutes).
  • Download it from Dockerhub:
    docker pull espressif/rust-std-training

✅ Start the new Docker container:

  • For local Docker image:
    docker run --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/workspace,consistency=cached -it rust-std-training /bin/bash
  • From the Docker Hub:
    docker run --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/workspace,consistency=cached -it espressif/rust-std-training:latest /bin/bash

This starts an interactive shell in the Docker container. It also mounts the local repository to a folder named /workspace inside the container. Changes to the project on the host system are reflected inside the container & vice versa.

Additional Software

VS Code

One editor with good Rust support is VS Code, which is available for most platforms. When using VS Code, we recommend the following extensions to help during the development.

  • Rust Analyzer to provide code completion & navigation
  • Even Better TOML for editing TOML based configuration files

There are a few more useful extensions for advanced usage

  • lldb a native debugger extension based on LLDB
  • crates to help manage Rust dependencies

VS Code & Dev Containers

One extension for VS Code that might be helpful to develop inside a Docker container is Remote Containers. It uses the same Dockerfile as the Docker setup, but builds the image and connects to it from within VS Code. Once the extension is installed, VS Code recognizes the configuration in the .devcontainer folder. Use the Remote Containers - Reopen in Container command to connect VS Code to the container.