macro_rules! enum_set_symmetric_difference {
($value:path $(,)?) => { ... };
($value:path, $($rest:path),* $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description
Computes the symmetric difference of multiple enums or constants enumset at compile time.
The syntax used is enum_set_symmetric_difference!(ENUM_A, ENUM_B, ENUM_C)
, computing the
equivalent of ENUM_A ^ ENUM_B ^ ENUM_C
at compile time. Each variant must be of the same
type, or an error will occur at compile-time.
const SET_A: EnumSet<Enum> = EnumSet::all();
const SET_B: EnumSet<Enum> = enum_set!(Enum::B | Enum::C);
const CONST_SET: EnumSet<Enum> = enum_set_difference!(SET_A, SET_B);
assert_eq!(CONST_SET, Enum::A | Enum::D);